
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts general information

this is where the plot is held, the rules, and anything else that can help you with the site

6 18 006, secret claims
by amanda jade walker.
Nov 15, 2012 22:48:01 GMT -5
No New Posts annoucements - 1 Viewing

anything happening around the site will be posted here so make sure you keep an eye out for it!

1 1 event #1 : ashland's high school opening dance!
by ( brig )
Nov 16, 2012 10:48:39 GMT -5

character information

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No New Posts applications - 1 Viewing

here is where the magic begins! just fill out the application in the right place, and wait to be approved by one of the staff members!

Sub-boards: pending, incomplete, denied

3 3 wip]drake, colton lee
by colton lee drake
Nov 12, 2012 21:43:54 GMT -5
No New Posts the files - 1 Viewing

once you've been accepted, you're application is moved here and you are now on your way to plotting and all the fun stuff.

Sub-boards: the ladies, the gents

6 6 walker, amanda jade
by amanda jade walker.
Nov 15, 2012 14:05:08 GMT -5
No New Posts shipping debates

this is where you will start the plotting!

5 6 PANIC! someone throw the light ((Amanda))
by amanda jade walker.
Nov 16, 2012 0:06:23 GMT -5
No New Posts the wanted ads - 1 Viewing

do you need a specific person for a plot? well this is where you fill out for that!

1 2 why is love so complicated? xavier
by abbicat
Nov 12, 2012 17:25:29 GMT -5


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No New Posts cell phones

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No New Posts instant messaging

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No New Posts internet

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No New Posts emails&letters

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ashland's high school

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No New Posts the froyer - 1 Viewing

the froyer is your entrance to the school. it's set up pretty casual, since it's a small town high school

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No New Posts the main office

picking someone up? late for school and need a pass? need to talk to the principal? oh, no you got in trouble! anything that you seem to need can be found here.

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No New Posts the parking lot

most the time parking lots are just to park your car, right? but with a small town like this, more things than that can happen here.

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No New Posts the cafeteria

you think only eating happens in here? i guess, you've never been inside a cafeteria of a high school.

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No New Posts the hallways

usually just running, gossip, stopping at your locker, or kissing your new boyfriend before you run to your class so your not late, that's usually how it goes, right?

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No New Posts the library - 1 Viewing

your supposed to be quiet in here, right? read something, study for some stupid test you'll probably fail. just remember the librarian is watching you, kiddos.

1 2 fireflies {open}
by amanda jade walker.
Nov 24, 2012 0:01:25 GMT -5
No New Posts the classrooms - 1 Viewing

this is where the learning is supposed to go down, correct? well, make sure you're not late for that!

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No New Posts gymnasim - 1 Viewing

the best place for those sport freaks to be! either, your in this place alot for the basketballs, or you're just in here for the gym class you couldn't get yourself out of, either way this is where the gym is.


1 1 Wall Flowers don't dance well maybe ((Open))
by amanda jade walker.
Nov 18, 2012 10:47:03 GMT -5
No New Posts the basement - 1 Viewing

it's a creepy stinky place or is it? if you look hard enough, you may find someone smoking down here, or even worse.

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No New Posts the grounds - 1 Viewing

just around the outside of the school!

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ashland, kansas

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No New Posts the police deparment - 1 Viewing

the local police usually aren't tied up in too much because in a small town like this not too much happens, but if you seem to have some trouble, come on by.

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No New Posts ashlands health center

are you sick? did you get hurt? well whatever it is that you need ,you have arrived to the place for it. surprisingly, for a small town the health center is one of the best in kansas.

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No New Posts ashland's park - 1 Viewing

recently redone nicely, now you can sit on the grass and enjoy the views, while the kids run around and enjoy themselves.

Sub-boards: ball field , the courts

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No New Posts ashland's lake - 1 Viewing

ashland's lake is basically center of attention in the summer. take a nice swim, or go fishing, either way it's always busy around the lake.

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No New Posts eateries - 1 Viewing

if you want to eat out at a nice place, or just a local place or even fast food, you know where to find these things!

Sub-boards: kingsmen club, Betty's little cafe, mo's diner

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No New Posts bear creek lodge

the locals call this the best place to ever stay if you have no where to go. it's also one of the best places to go out for breakfast in town.

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No New Posts ashland's public library

ashland, kansas's finest town library. it's not always stocked with the finest of things, and it really could use a face lift, but if you want to read something, i'm sure they'll do there best to make sure you can.

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No New Posts housing

to houses near the lake, to the motel park to just the average houses, this is where you'll find them!

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No New Posts movie threater - 1 Viewing

want to see a movie? or maybe you're going out on a date? either way, this is the best place in town to do either of them!

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out of character

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No New Posts thread archive - 1 Viewing

if you have a dead thread, place them here!

Sub-boards: threads, applications, events

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No New Posts anything goes!

literally, games, talking, anything goes here!

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No New Posts advertising

if you're looking to advertise with us, please make sure you place your advertisement in the correct place, thank you!

21 22 Zapdoszulu a Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver RP
by Marchbaby
Jul 17, 2018 22:10:59 GMT -5


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